by Simon Schier

Beard care and beard styles that are perfect for you

Your beard largely determines your appearance and expresses your pe...
Bart Trends Styles

Your beard largely determines your appearance and expresses your personality. Are you hip, trendy or individualistic, but also: How exactly do you take care of your skin? For this year we have taken a closer look at the top trends in facial hair and are happy to welcome back an almost forgotten style! 

Classic beard trend for life: the full beard

Vollbart Style

The full beard is an immortal trend and an annual beard trend for ages. Almost every guy in the Bible has worn it and latermany other personalities from Charles Darwin to Abraham Lincoln tou Hugh Jackman.

The unbeatable advantage of the full beard is that it conceals chubby cheeks and double chins and suits everyone who has the appropriate beard growth.

Whether you call it a face flokati or a face mattress, a long beard or inspired by ZZ Top ZZ full beard: the healthy full beard followsfolgt Not the principle just let it grow, at least if it should look good and presentable.l. 

A beautiful and presentable beard needs care. This includes combing, trimming, and grooming with beard oil on a regular basis. And that requires at least patience and practice, but also a willingness to suffer, because pinching and tugging a beard length of a few millimeters is not for every man.

Who accepts the challenge and whoBeard care tips here taken into account, 2020 will receive ample recognition for his magnificent specimen of full beard.

Honest, masculine, casual: the 6-day beard

6 Tage Bart Style

The name suggests it: the 6-day beard is a perfect compromise between a 3-day beard and a full beard.

He is longer and fuller than his three days younger beard brother, but also needs ita little more attention in the bathroom: You have to trim the 6-day beard regularly to keep it about 1 centimeter long. Besides, you will with himBeard oil have to care for it so that it feels good, does not pinch or, in the worst case, looks unclean.

The 6-day beard is thus the evolutionary next step after the 3-day beard, but less vain than the full beard. In short: a very honest, casual and cool style.

Especially for men with very hard facial features, the 6-day beard is an exciting experiment for this year to create softer contours on the face. The beard care also makes it suitable for the business look.

For real individualists: the mustache

moderner schäuzer style

It doesn't have to be the thick upper lip bar like Tom Selleck or Magnum: The mustache this year will show which men have the courage to stand out from the crowd.

When you have a mustache, the main thing is that the difference in length of your beard hair is appropriate. This means that you only slightly trim the area above the lip, while you approach the rest of your face more courageously.

This gives you some leeway with the mustache: the more your mustache stands out from the rest of the beard, the more intensely it comes into its own.

So the question is, what do you combine your mustache with? If you wear it with a 3- or 6-day or full beard, it can be a small, exciting understatement. You can combine it with a goatee or the shaved look s. Further down, you give it presence, make it appear imposing with long mustaches or young, playful, short mustaches.zer). 

Due to the diverse combination options, the mustache remains with us for a very, very long time as a hyper-individual beard style that hardly anyone else has.

One thing: If your mustache looks disheveled and uncomfortable, it's because you just let it grow in front of you. The best remedies for this are beard scissors, a beard comb and, last but not least, a nourishing beard oil that you use regularly. This is how you bring your whiskers into shape.

Back again: The shaved look is here to stay

A beard is not a beard trend 


shaved look

A decisive majority of women and men find men with shaved faces more attractive. There are various reasons for this:

Men with a shaved look show their faces in the truest sense of the word. They do not hide and show who they are - more angular, angular, but also more well-groomed: because where there is no beard, there is no leftover food. 

Over the past few years it has seemed that men must have beards. Here we see a change with the shaved look. The shaved face shows: You don't follow every trend to be hip.

The shaved look is really suitable for every man who stands upright in life and to himself. The only condition for a good appearance is the right care and a literally smooth shave: razor bumps, skin injuries and redness can ruin the style.

So play it safe and check them outsimple tips against razor burn and razor bumps on.

The following applies to all styles: it depends on care

It doesn't matter if you have a full beard or if you shave your face completely. The main thing is that you are comfortable with your look.

But what is not irrelevant: How well you care for yourself. A neglected full beard just shows that you are neglecting yourself. And a shaved look with razor bumps and razor burn is not a style, but a skin problem.

So take good care of yourself, take care of your skin health and #staysober


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