For most, it is a shock when the time really comes: the loss of hair is a drastic experience. It is of little consolation that many people around the world are affected by it.
Your hair falling out or breaking off can have different causes. After all: in many cases you can do something about it with the help of special shampoos and other measures. This post is therefore about
- what exactly is hair loss, when it occurs and how you can recognize it,
- how hair treatments for hair loss work and
- which shampoo is right for your individual case.
Hair loss shampoo can strengthen your hair and hair roots. It supplies your hair follicles with nutrients and prevents the hair from drying out and breaking off.
When do you need shampoo for hair loss?
While hair loss can also occur in women, it is particularly middle-aged and older men who suffer from hair loss. Around every second man over 50 is already affected by severe hair loss. Depending on the cause, the symptoms can also occur at a young age and regardless of gender.
The causes of hair loss are less physical than psychological: Many people feel uncomfortable and less youthful with thinning hair. The sad truth is: Full hair is often seen as a sign of good health and attractiveness.
Before you reach for the shampoo against hair loss: Hair loss can have many causes.
As a rule, hair loss begins when the hair roots are damaged. For example
- they do not receive enough nutrients
- are overwhelmed with the increased release of certain hormones or
- external influences attack them and weaken them.
The excessive hair loss can therefore be due to various external and internal factors.
What are the typical causes of hair loss
- As a rule, men are affected by this: in 80 percent of cases, the hair loss is genetically predisposed (alopecia) and is related to the hormone dihydrotestosterone. The hormone damages the hair roots because it blocks the messenger substance cAMP and this messenger substance is responsible for the growth phases of the hair roots. When the blockage occurs, the hair roots lose their rhythm and the hair density becomes increasingly less.
- Poor diet can also be linked to hair loss. For example, if you are on a very one-sided diet or if you have suddenly changed your diet, your hair follicles may not receive enough nutrients, such as B vitamins. If the deficiency continues, the follicles will eventually wither and the hair will fall out..
- Inadequate production of vitamin D, for example due to insufficient contact with sunlight, can also promote hair loss in men and women.
- Certain autoimmune diseases also lead to hair loss. Typically, this is circular hair loss.
- Various pollutants, medications and drugs can also negatively affect hair growth and the strength and health of the hair roots.
- Hair care products that are too aggressive and lead to hair loss are also possible. Too much shampoo or washing too often can dry out and destabilize both the hair and scalp. Even if you dry or brush your hair too roughly, you can damage the scalp and hair roots and promote hair loss.
How do you recognize hair loss
If you ever find some hair in the shower, that's no reason to sound the alarm. People lose around 100 hairs a day without hair loss.
But if you lose more hair than usual, you should be vigilant. Depending onType of hair loss The hair can start out around the forehead area, keyword receding hairline or diffuse and thus become lighter overall. If this is the case with you, you should read on::
So what can you do about hair loss?
The lame answer no one wants to hear: changein the case of hair loss on a suitable hairstyle.
But in this article we want to help you find ways to get your hair back or at least to curb hair loss.
We have elsewhere alreadydifferent options for hair loss discussed. In this article, we will go into more detail on shampoos against hair loss, because after all, many men and women have already had good experiences with them.
Important: To be sure, you should discuss with your doctor whether a shampoo is really suitable for your type of hair loss.
What does a hair loss shampoo contain?
There are different hair loss shampoos with different approaches to combating hair loss. Accordingly, they contain different active ingredients. As diverse as the causes of hair loss are, the ingredients in shampoos against hair loss are just as varied.
Shampoos with caffeine and other natural ingredients such as cocoa butter, coconut oil, argan oil or ginger are popular in the fight against hair loss. Plants that are rich in minerals, such as aloe vera, which contain a lot of calcium, magnesium or zinc, are also used specifically in shampoos to prevent hair loss.
But there is also something more medical about shampoos against hair loss with minoxidil, finasteride, keratin as well as biotin and other B vitamins. Some of these ingredients mimic natural parts of the hair and scalp. Others, on the other hand, serve to stimulate the body's own functions or to offer protection from external influences.
How does shampoo work against hair loss
The effect is different depending on the type of shampoo against hair loss. Some shampoos against hair loss have a preventive effect and protect the scalp and hair from drying out or they stimulate the blood flow to the hair follicles. Others have a reparative effect and want to bring back lost hair.
Many manufacturers of shampoos against hair loss pursue the following approaches:
- With the help of minoxidil (only available on prescription), a shampoo promotes blood flow to the scalp, which promotes the supply of nutrients to the hair follicles. As a result, hair should grow back healthier and not fall out as quickly. A look at thepossible side effects of minoxidil But it's worth it.
- Finasteride (only available on prescription) inhibits the excessive production of dihydrotestosterone and can thereby protect the hair follicles. However, the side effects of finasteride are not without, which is why you should urgently seek medical advice on this form of therapy.
- Withcaffeine Shampoos against hair loss stimulate the scalp and thereby stimulate hair growth.
- Shampoos that contain carotenoids, various vitamins, linoleic acid and other fatty acids are said to have a similar effect.
- Ingredients rich in fat are also said to protect against hair loss, because the moisturizing properties of ingredients rich in fat protect the hair roots from drying out.
- Minerals, especially zinc, promote the regeneration and resistance of skin, hair and nails. As a result, they can counteract hair breakage and hair loss and are popular as an ingredient in hair shampoos.
- Keratin is the main natural component of our hair and, as a component of shampoo, can additionally strengthen the hair.
Our tip: combine caffeine shampoo with nutrient-rich conditioner
Prevention is better than aftercare, you don't think so
For this reason, we recommend using an invigorating and nutrient-rich hair care product to prevent possible hair loss in good time. In our opinion, a caffeinated shampoo in combination with a nourishing conditioner, which is good for the hair follicles, is particularly suitable for this. An example of oneAnti-hair loss cure is available here.
Besides shampoo, what else helps against hair loss?
In addition to preventive or treating hair care, you can also strengthen your hair, hair follicles and your scalp from the inside out and thus counteract hair loss. Above all, your diet and your general living conditions play an important role. This includes the following points:
- Get enough sleep and avoid stress that has a positive effect on your hormonal balance and blood circulation and can prevent hair loss.
- Stimulate your blood circulation. Sport is of course the best way to do this, but a gentle head massage is also good and can help.
- Eat the right things. A healthy diet is not only important for healthy hair, but also for healthy skin. Look for the good fatty acids, B vitamins, zinc and other important minerals.
- Wherever possible: Avoid pollutants, unnecessary medication, drugs and chemical additives in food and tobacco products.In general, tobacco is one of the greatest enemies of healthy hair and skin.
- Protect your hair and scalp from excessive sun exposure.
- Take care when caring for your hair: do not use more shampoo than necessary and be gentle with yourself when drying and blow-drying. After all, you don't want to tear out your hair unnecessarily with the towel or burn your hair roots with the blow dryer.
Which hair loss shampoo do you need?
Hair loss can have different causes, and there are also different approaches to hair loss with shampoos.
If you suffer from hereditary hair loss and you want your hair back, going to the doctor is inevitable. A shampoo with minoxidil or finasteride may then help.
As a preventive measure against hair loss, caffeinated shampoos against hair loss in combination with a nourishing conditioner are suitable.You can find such an anti-hair loss treatment here.